Paula Yankauskas, VMD
Practice Owner
Education – University of Pennsylvania
Interests – Behavior, Administration, Continuing Professional Development (Staff and Self)
Dr. Paula Yankauskas was raised in Connecticut and first came to Vermont for college; she attended UVM for undergraduate work and put in 1 year toward a Masters’ degree in Physics before veterinary school.
She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 1981, hence the VMD (Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris, all degrees from the University of Pennsylvania are in Latin). Dr. Yankauskas founded L.V.V.S. in 1981.
Prior to starting her own practice, Dr. Yankauskas gained experience at two mixed animal practices in Vermont. She founded Lamoille Valley Veterinary Services in 1985 working out of her home, then out of a remodeled restaurant from 1986 to the fall of 1998, and lastly out of a purpose-built free-standing veterinary hospital facility since.
Dr. Yankauskas and her husband, Dale, have three children: Sarah, Jacob and Dorigen. She currently lives with 2 cats: Peanut, and Audrey, which were preceded by a series of cats, dogs, parakeets, zebra finches, hermit crabs, hamsters and a pony.
Paula swims with US Masters Swimming and loves to work at personal achievements in the pool and open water. She at one time held the honor of being the oldest person on record to have swum the length of Lake Memphremagog (September 2014, 25 miles, at 60 years old) and is the first female from Vermont to achieve the Triple Crown of open water swimming, having conquered the English Channel in 2016, the 20 Bridges Swim (around Manhattan) in 2017, and the Catalina Channel in 2018. She is currently training to attempt a double of Memphremagog’s length – she says it is a metaphor for life – “a lot of work to cover the miles, to end up near where you started – stronger and wiser for the experience”.
In her free time, Dr. Yankauskas has an interest in astronomy and celestial events (the moon!), wildlife observation (especially birds), photography, cooking, gardening, and traveling. She also enjoys reading and writing and hopes to one day write a book (at least one!).
Her veterinary interests include: clinical behavior medicine, transfusion medicine/canine blood banking, laparoscopic surgery, cytology, pain management, and lifetime wellness care. She also is deeply passionate about practice management – meeting the challenges of “being here” for the pet-owning public – which truly takes a team to make happen.
Valerie Ann Yankauskas, DVM
Valerie was born in New Britain, CT and lives in Hyde Park, VT. She shares her home with Lukas, Eli Phant & Lola. When not at work Valerie can be found outside hiking, running with her dogs, swimming, biking, kayaking and she has started paddle boarding.
For Valerie the best part of working at LVVS is keeping our pets healthy & loving the people she works with!
Favorite Quote: It is what it is (usually in reference to the weather)
Callie Freeman, DVM
Interests: Soft tissue surgery and emergency medicine
Dr. Freeman was born and raised in sunny Los Angeles and moved to Florida to attend FSU and then the University of Florida, where she obtained her doctorate of veterinary medicine. She graduated top 5 in her class and went on to work in 24/7 emergency medicine in Miami and complete an internship program at University of Pennsylvania . She completed one year of a small animal surgery residency and went on to work at two 24-hour emergency and referral hospitals in the Philadelphia area. She settled in to a small animal private practice after that, where she was for 10 years before joining LVVS in 2021.
While in Philadelphia, Dr. Freeman met her wonderful husband. They were looking for a change from the city and fell in love with Vermont while vacationing. Callie is excited to be part of the LVVS team, where she is looking forward to adding her skills to the rest of the amazing team of doctors and staff, and we’re excited to have her on board!
Outside of veterinary medicine, her true passion is Formula 1 racing – she watches every race!
Cindy Pratt, DVM
Interests: Theriogenology, breeder services, artificial insemination, Transcervical Insemination, Certified PennHipp Veterinarian
Dr. Pratt joined LVVS in the spring of 1999. A graduate of the University of Missouri, Columbia, College of Veterinary Medicine, she worked at a mixed animal veterinary practice in Tehachapi, California before joining LVVS.
Dr. Pratt has a strong interest in theriogenology, especially canine reproduction. She has also completed the training program offered by Synbiotics Referral Network making her the only certified Synbiotics canine frozen semen center in Vermont. The Pratt household includes her husband, Randy, daughter Amalie, multiple dogs, cats, and goats.
Emily Buskey, DVM
Dr. Emily has lived in Vermont her whole life, other than a short stint in Wisconsin (for school) and the High Peaks region of the Adirondacks. She has a degree in music composition from Vassar College, attended UVM, and studied veterinary medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Veterinary Medicine is a second career for her – she was previously a dairy farmer, taught therapeutic horseback riding, and worked with children with autism.
Emily shares her home with 2 cats, a horse named Tao and a chicken named Snowflake. In her free time she enjoys snowshoeing, hiking, vegetable gardening, reading, and spending time with family in the Vermont outdoors. Her veterinary interests include dentistry, public health, pathology and surgery. She enjoys working with cats and geriatric animals.
Dr. Emily sees patients at LVVS on a part-time basis, and looks forward to continuing to do so when COVID status allows.
Jared Krebs, MVB
Education – University College Dublin
Veterinary Interests: Behavioral Medicine & Surgery
Personal Interests: Nature & Reading
Dr. Krebs was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. He completed his Biomedical Science degree at the University of Guelph. Later, he moved to Dublin, Ireland, where he obtained his veterinary degree from University College Dublin.
Jared shares his home with his partner, Hannah, and their dog, Oonagh. When Jared isn’t at work, he is usually spending time outdoors with Hannah and Oonagh. He enjoys activities such as birdwatching, traveling, playing board games, cooking, or settling in for the night to watch The Food Network.
Sarah Moyer, DVM
Veterinary Interests – Behavioral medicine, Dentistry & oral surgery, Ultrasonography, Animal welfare, Cytology, Hospice & end-of-life care
Education – North Carolina State University
Dr. Sarah Moyer is a New England native, spending most of her early years in various parts of Massachusetts. She completed her bachelor’s degree in chemistry at Smith College, with a minor in Classical languages and linguistics.
Dr. Moyer then relocated to northern California to reunite with her partner – the first of many long moves as a military spouse. There, she began a career in winemaking in Napa Valley, which lasted several years and culminated with a harvest season in New Zealand.
After returning to the east coast (North Carolina), Dr. Moyer completed an additional year of post-baccalaureate courses before embarking on her veterinary adventure. While working toward her doctorate, she spent many hours volunteering with Carolina Tiger Rescue, a GFAS-accredited sanctuary for wild cats and other carnivores rescued from unsuitable conditions in captivity. This unique experience deepened her interest animal welfare and understanding communication through behaviors.
After taking her Oath, Dr. Moyer began practicing medicine in southern California, focused on companion animal primary care, with a foray into shelter medicine. During that time, she cultivated her passion for patient care and client communication – making every vet visit as supportive and stress-free as possible.
When not treating patients, Dr. Moyer can be found at home with her husband (a test pilot) and the Brown Dog Squad (Puck, Oberon, and Electra). After many years of cross-country moves, the Moyer family is thrilled to be back home in New England and watch the seasons turn. Dr. Moyer spends her free time cooking, brewing, sewing, playing board games, watching classic sci fi, looking for ways to give back to the community, and always searching for new challenges.
Sara Brennan, MVB
Education – University College Dublin
Veterinary Interests: Ultrasonography, Dentistry, Alternative Therapies
Dr. Brennan was born in a tiny town in Western Massachusetts where she grew up in her first 150-year-old farmhouse. She completed her undergraduate degree at Boston University with a major in Marine Science and two minors in Biology and Chemistry. Having spent her entire life to that point in Massachusetts, she ventured a bit further afield to obtain her MVB in Dublin, Ireland at the University College Dublin.
She and her mother have since bought a farm property together in beautiful northern Vermont, Dr. Brennan’s second 150-year-old farmhouse, she’s committed to her style, which they hope to have running as a flourishing hobby farm in the next few years. Currently on the farm are the dynamic duo that is Dr. Brennan’s draft-cross horse, Dulaman, and his buddy, a miniature donkey named Elmer.
When not at work, Dr. Brennan can be found outside fussing in the barn or hiking with her dogs. She also has a love for fantasy and spends many of her evenings curled up with a book or playing table top games role-playing games with her friends.
Veterinary Technicians
Freda, CVT
Lead Certified Veterinary Technician
Rachel, CVT, KPA-CTP
Certified Veterinary Technician
Vonnie, CVT
Certified Veterinary Technician
Veterinary Technician
Meghan, CVT
Certified Veterinary Technician
Denise, CVT
Certified Veterinary Technician
Veterinary Assistants
Veterinary Assistant
Veterinary Technician Student
Veterinary Assistant
Veterinary Assistant
Veterinary Assistant
Rand, AVA
Veterinary Technician Student
Morgan F.
Veterinary Assistant
Veterinary Technician Student
Client Service Team
Office Manager
Client Service Representative
Social Media Specialist
Client Service Representative
Lead Customer Service Representative
Practice Manager
Admin Assistant, Groomer, Vet Tech Student
Facilities Manager
In Loving Memory
Deborah had been with us for 27 years. She started as an assistant and moved up to hospital manager. She shared her home with several cats, chickens, geese, ducks, and a “have tongue, will travel” mixed breed dog, Picard.
Deborah enjoyed the outdoors, sunny days, horses, kayaking, star trek, movies, PBR, and whale watching. Deborah really disliked crowds, traffic, and humid days. In Deborah’s spare time she relished in astronomy, gardens, and raised plants to raise money for causes like VETEGA (Veterinary Efforts in Giving to Animals, a non-profit).